
Wellness Services

The value of the wellness exam is immense. A thorough examination may take just a few minutes in a healthy Pet. However, this same Pet may not be as healthy as we might think.

Staging Periodontal Disease and need for a regular dental cleaning vs a complex one that would require extractions, the presence of an orthopedic conditions, the possible nature of a skin mass, ear and eye issues, the presence of a heart murmur, abnormal intra-abdominal findings, the possible nature of a skin condition, early signs of osteoarthritis and even certain types of neoplasia may be picked up on a Pet that is presented as Healthy.

Learning and understanding some basic health care on your Pet, helping you make decisions about husbandry, monitoring for certain behaviors or signs, and pursuing diagnostics or follow-ups may come out as a result of a wellness exam.

Basic bloodwork, mostly on Pets older than 6 years, would also be recommended as part of an annual exam.





  • Do not forget that your Pet must be up to date on Vaccines and Heart Worm Tests – Heart Worm Prevention.
  • Always rule out Leukemia and FIV Diseases for your new kitty cat
  • Keep your Pet secure by implanting a Microchip


**Paws at Vet does not support Sick Pets at this moment. Thank you for understanding!